Top 10 Youtube Channels for Data Analysts
Whether you want to start a career in analytics or just love data, take a look at the list of the top 10 Youtube channels for analysts that we at devtodev have prepared for you! Get to know all the ins and outs of analyzing data by using the most widely trusted tools, tactics, and methods. Most of the following Youtube channels have useful content for both beginners and people with some experience who want to level up their skills. If you find this article helpful, feel free to share!
Alex The Analyst
Alex Freberg’s career-focused channel is designed to make anyone interested in this path become a data analyst. The author covers everything you need to know to become a data analyst — from SQL for different levels to Excel, Power BI, Tableau and resume tips. If you’re looking to make a career change or learn the skills you need to become a data analyst, be sure to subscribe to stay updated on this channel’s content.
Luke Barousse
A practicing analyst channel that contains videos about technologies and skills for data science. In addition to videos about Python and Tableau, the author creates funny sketches related to the work and life of a data analyst.
Ken Jee
Ken Jee works in data science and sports analytics. The author is one of many who decided to move into a new field and found that there was too little information about it. Therefore, he decided to start a Youtube channel and talk about his journey in the data analysis as he grows professionally.
Recall by Dataiku
Recall is a fairly new but promising branded channel from Dataiku, a platform for everyday AI. It is dedicated to teaching viewers the reality of working with data (similar to devtodev analytics). They cover some topics not found in other analytics channels.
Tina Huang
This channel is hosted by a data scientist from FAANG company who focuses on data science, training, and performance. Tina Huang shares her favorite time-saving and productivity tips.
freeCodeCamp is an extremely famous and popular channel that probably all people working in IT know. It has a dedicated Python playlist specifically for data analysts and many other videos on various topics related to code, IT and analytics. It’s simply interesting and opens up some unexpected themes.
Guy in a Cube
Guy in a Cube is a very helpful channel for PowerBI and students, but it also has a lot of Azure Synapse Analytics videos. It has a playlist for beginners, for advanced students, some tips and even challenges. Explore the channel for information that will help you become a successful analyst!
Excel is the most basic knowledge you need as a data analyst. There are many channels on Youtube on this subject, but you can start with this one because it has over 3K Excel “how to” videos from beginner to advanced, including downloadable Excel files for practice and .pdf notes to summarize concepts.
SQL is another important knowledge for an analyst, and one cannot do without it. kudvenkat has a SQL Server tutorial playlist of 150 videos that cover every topic you can think of.
StatQuest with Josh Starmer
StatQuest is a Youtube channel for advanced analysts (middle and up) that covers topics of statistics, machine learning, and data science. The author tries to break down the main methodologies of these complex topics into easy-to-understand short videos. And they have plenty of them!