Seamless Ads in Games

Anastasia Sukhanova @devtodev
2 min readFeb 3, 2020


Big companies get more and more concerned about their brand safety. They don’t want to be advertised on the same platforms as political, fake news and other shady firms. Google tries to policy those ads and platforms but brands are losing their trust and searching for more reliable ad platforms. That’s why they start advertising in mobile games.

Advertising in mobile games may be more tricky then advertising on websites or in videos because players often get very immersed in the game and don’t want to be distracted. Any pop-up ad or any banner covering part of the screen during the playing process annoys and irritates the gamers a great deal. It also doesn’t do any good for the company. That’s why they move away from banner ads and start using seamless ads. What is it?

Seamless Ads enable developers to place ad units seamlessly inside 2D- and 3D game environments so the ads become a part of the design. This is a completely new ad format that makes it possible to monetize the time the users spend in the actual gameplay. These ads are all about brand awareness, that’s why the performance revolves around the impression, meaning that you as a developer do not have to drive your users to any call to action. The brand awareness ads show up seamlessly in the game which drives revenue from impressions (CPM).

Why seamless ads are a great way to monetize your game:

  • they don’t affect your user base and KPIs;
  • they are non-intrusive;
  • you don’t need to compromise the quality of the game or the experience for your users.

What to keep in mind while introducing seamless ads in your project:

  • If you are developing a new game, do it with seamless ads in mind. Create places for ad units in advance.
  • If you already have a game and want to monetize it with seamless ads, then think about any current assets in the design where an ad unit would fit naturally into.
  • Make sure that your users can see the ads good enough during the gameplay. Run tests to check it.
  • Create multiple ad units.
  • Use both static and animated ads to increase the fill rate.
  • Test your ads on different platforms to make sure that the ratio and the size of the ads are just right.

Seamless Ads are all about quality for you as a game developer, but also for the brands, media agencies and in the end, the user that sees the ad.



Anastasia Sukhanova @devtodev

Customer Success Manager at Everything you need to know about analyzing and improving games and apps.