The Greatest Books for Game Analysts

Anastasia Sukhanova @devtodev
5 min readOct 16, 2019

We at devtodev made the list of must-read books for game analysts which will broaden your horizons and make your games grow faster.

1. Lean Analytics: Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster by Alistair Croll and Ben Yoskovitz

This book answers the question of where to start analyzing your data. Authors have considered several business models (mobile application, user-generated content, SaaS) and proposed metrics that will work best for each of them. Also, the authors described the logic that you need to follow when choosing your metrics. And there are a lot of real cases as well.

2. Creating a Data-Driven Organization: Practical Advice from the Trenches by Carl Anderson

If you are data-driven or you want to become data-driven, you should read this book.

It will explain how the true data-drivenness involves processes that require genuine buy-in across your company, from analysts and management to the C-Suite and the board. You’ll learn what works and what doesn’t, and why creating a data-driven culture throughout your organization is essential.

3. The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement by Eliyahu M. Goldratt

This book is called a production novel. And, although it is a real page-turner, people manage companies and conduct trainings based on it. A big plus of the book is that it is very well-written. With it, you will learn how to find bottlenecks in your product and what to do with them.

4. Say It With Chart: The Executive’s Guide to Visual Communication by Gene Zelazny

Visualization is the shortest way from data to the solutions. That’s why being able to visualize data is equally as important as knowing Python. We highly recommend this step-by-step guide to create compelling and memorable presentations.

5. How to Analyze Promotional Activities in Games by devtodev

The practical guide published by devtodev can be downloaded free of charge. Starting promotional activities with discounts can be a part of the monetization strategy for many projects. However, in reality, we see that not everyone knows how to evaluate their effectiveness properly. In this book, we share insights and conclusions that will help you to make your promo activities successful.

6. Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data by Charles Wheelan

The tagline says: “The most interesting book about the most boring science,” and if I can argue with the second part, then I agree with the first. Unbelievably, this book is interesting and easy to read. It is fun and tells about quite complex things, with a large number of examples. Reading this piece of art is the best way to convert any person into a statistics lover!

7. The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives by Leonard Mlodinow

Mlodinow is a co-author of Hawking so you should thrill at least. And in his book, he talks about complex concepts in a simple way, including. Only statistics and probability theory, but also game theory, even physics, and astronomy. By showing us the true nature of chance, Mlodinow gives us the tools we need to make more informed decisions.

8. MoneyBall: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game by Michael Lewis

You probably watched the movie “Moneyball” with Brad Pitt directed by Bennett Miller which is an adaptation of this particular book. It is based on the story of the baseball manager who first began applying statistical methods in managing the team and, as you might guess, achieved something by doing so.

9. How to Lie with Statistics by Darrell Huff

I would call this book rather “How not to be deceived with the help of statistics”. The author tells how statistics work and how features of statistics are used in the media and other sources of information. Also, you will learn how to manipulate people and data. It’s quite useful, isn’t it?

10. The Mom Test: How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you by Rob Fitzpatrick

I guess that customer development starts with his book. Analytics is not only about data and metrics, but it is also about the ability to communicate and find out the needs of users. And this turns out to be even more difficult than building SQL queries.

The full list of best books for game analysts you can find here.

I hope that these books will broaden your analytical horizons, convert you into a science lover and as a result make your games grow faster.



Anastasia Sukhanova @devtodev

Customer Success Manager at Everything you need to know about analyzing and improving games and apps.